JWI’s Young Women’s Impact Network brings together Jewish professional women in their 20s and 30s to grow as leaders in their workplaces, their communities, and their personal lives.
לראשונה בישראל !Young Women's Impact Network הינה קהילה המביאה יחד נשים מכל העולם בגילאי 22-35 לגדול ולהתעצם יחדיו כמובילות במקומות העבודה, בחיים האישיים ובמעגלים השונים בהם לוקחות הן חלק.
Listen to JWI YWIN Tel Aviv Coordinator Gal Cohen interviewed on Yotzet La’or with Mor Lerhman on The Jerusalem Radio!
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Recent event topics include:
December: Body Positivity with Luda Greco
January: DIY: How to upgrade your home office space with Gal Eyal & Jodi Macklin
February: English Business Workshop with Noa Cohen of UPTICK
March: Financial Literacy Workshop
April: Positive Psychology & Manifestation Workshop
JWI’s Young Women’s Impact Network brings together Jewish professional women in their 20s and 30s to grow as leaders in their workplaces, their communities, and their personal lives.
The Network connects members in Chicago, D.C., Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Tel Aviv to inspiring role models from a diversity of fields. Our young women are inspired to be great by doing good, participating in social action events and meeting with philanthropists.
Building on JWI's financial literacy expertise and commitment to preventing domestic violence, monthly Network programs include economic security and healthy relationship offerings. And of course we have fun with events like happy hour, baking workshops, and group exercise.
But most of all, we're building a community. At the heart of the Network is a group of amazing young women becoming their best selves with a network of friends.
JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability.
לראשונה בישראל !Young Women's Impact Network הינה קהילה המביאה יחד נשים מכל העולם בגילאי 22-35 לגדול ולהתעצם יחדיו כמובילות במקומות העבודה, בחיים האישיים ובמעגלים השונים בהם לוקחות הן חלק.
רשת הנשים יוצרת חיבורים בין נשים מערים שונות בצפון אמריקה (שיקגו, וושינגטון די.סי., דנוור, לוס אנג'לס, ניו יורק, סן פרנסיסקו) וישראל (כרגע מגיעות לאזור תל אביב ומרכז הארץ!) – יחד נוצרים מודלים שונים של גיוון בנושאים שונים שמעניינים ונוגעים בכולנו. הנשים ברשת נותנות השראה אחת לשנייה דרך צריכת תכנים משותפים, התנדבויות, אקטיביות חברתית ושיח מתמשך ביניהן.
בנוסף, כחלק מפעילות הרשת, ישנה עשייה מתמדת למען המטרות הבאות:
הנגשת ידע באופן קליל שישפר את כלל תחומי החיים שלנו כמו: ניהול זמן, מיניות בריאה, ידע כלכלי, דימוי עצמי, דייטינג, אוכל, פסיכולוגיה חיובית, נטוורקינג מקצועי ועוד.
קידום מעורבות חברתית: במדינה ובחברה שבה אנו נמצאות - למען מטרות נשיות (אבל לא רק), למען אידיאל שצודק יותר לחיות בו.
יצירת הזדמנויות ומרחב לכולנו עם שיתופי פעולה, מנהיגות ויזמות ארגונית בקרב נשים מישראל ומכל העולם שרק רוצות להעניק השראה לצד השני.
.מברכת, מחבקת, מאשרת ומשקיעה בנשים מכל גזע, תרבות, זהות מגדרית, נטייה מינית ויכולת JWI
Tel Aviv Board Members
Gal Cohen
Gal Cohen, a certified Transpersonal Psychology Coach, is the Tel-Aviv Young Women’s Impact Network lead since the beginning of 2021. Gal’s passion to bettering the human experience is what led her to this role which offers the opportunity to make impact on Israeli women’s lives. As the network lead, she has been creating opportunities for women’s advancement in the personal & professional fields. In her personal time, Gal loves beach walks and Mediterranean soaks, ride her bike, practice yoga and grow plants.
Bat-el Friedman
Bat-El Friedman has a B.Sc. in computer science and is a cyber security expert. Started her career at IDF with several roles in operations and product management. She is an expert in building and leading security operation centers and is always looking to develop her skills.
She loves working with people and she is inspired by others, She is thrilled to learn new things, and if you tell her about a new interesting topic she will probably research and read all about it.
She believes in positive thinking and self-care, loves working out and running, She even did two half marathons!
Bat-el joined YWIN because she believes in communities, and she looks forward to bringing knowledge and fun events to young women in Israel.
Valeria Kirik
Valeria Kirik is a photographer and the Head of the support team in a company that specializes in monetization and marketing. Her passion is to bring impact and value to the world. To do so, she is making her way to being a photo therapist. This passion is also what led her to join the Young Women’s Impact Network. She believes that change comes only from the inside, but it cannot be done alone.
Daniel Lavi
Daniel Lavi lives in Israel. She has a degree in business administration and digital innovation and works as a digital marketing specialist. She is also on the way to becoming a Pilates teacher. Dani believes that in order to be good at marketing and enjoy doing it, you must believe in the product/service and connect it to the value it provides. This is one of the reasons she entered the world of medicine.Her goal is to create quality and empathetic relationships that will allow everyone’s needs to be met. In her free time, she likes to travel in nature, do sports, read and spend time with family and friends.
Sapir Neeman
Sapir Neeman lives in Israel and is an expert in digital marketing. She is leading businesses to success through digital marketing and content creation. Sapir loves turning dreams into reality. Her passion is turning a business into a successful brand. She believes in creating opportunities by understanding the human mind. She believes that the key to success in life is connecting between people and healthy communication. When Sapir is not in front of the computer, she loves hanging out at coffee shops on busy streets, as this environment inspires her.