JWI Networks are a global community of Jewish women in their mid-30s and beyond, creating a nurturing and dynamic environment where female-identifying people can confidently navigate key life stages, such as career advancement, family transitions, and long-term financial planning.
By fostering meaningful connections, providing access to networking, and offering tailored programs, we equip our community with the tools and support needed to thrive both personally and professionally.
JWI Networks give you access to incredible events throughout the year, including:
Inspiring conversations with change-makers in business, finance, politics, the arts, and more*
Opportunities to support women and children through our National Library Initiative
Workshops on topics from wellness to professional skills
Mentoring opportunities with our Young Women’s Impact Networks
Supporters at the $1000+ level receive recordings of all virtual events*, so even if you can’t join us in real time, you won’t miss a thing.
This is about so much more than leadership; it’s about making an impact on the world. Your involvement is instrumental in ensuring the success of the JWI Networks across the country and in spreading the word about the valuable resources and support the JWI Networks offer.
We believe with your help, we can create a strong and vibrant community of Jewish women who are equipped with the tools and support needed to thrive both personally and professionally.
JWI Networks supporters are encouraged to make a minimum tax-deductible donation of $1000/year or $83/month. This gift is so much more than a point of access. Less than the cost of a monthly yoga class, your donation sustains JWI's work to end sexual violence; effect changes on Capitol Hill to protect all women; promote women’s leadership; connect mentors to rising professionals; ensure that women can own their financial futures; and build a world that is safe and equitable for all women and girls.
Where does your money go?
To learn more about the JWI Networks, contact JWI VP Leadership & Engagement Rebecca Bar at rbar@jwi.org.
JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability.
*some speakers may not allow their sessions to be recorded