321ACTION: Standing with Israel, uptick in reproductive coercion, and gun lobby marketing to children
321ACTION: Stand with Israel, and spread the word about abusers + guns.
321ACTION: Stand with Israel, and join a Supreme Court briefing this Wednesday
We grieve with Israel.
321ACTION: Domestic Violence Awareness Month + Gun Violence
321ACTION: Online sex abuse, childcare funding, and U.S. v Rahimi
321ACTION: Right to Contraception, Immigrant Safety, and Progress in Gun Violence Prevention
321ACTION: March on Washington, Assault Weapons Ban, and Medication Abortion
321ACTION: Special Supreme Court update on gun violence
321ACTION: Take Action Now
321ACTION: Expand SNAP, Vote to Protect Abortion Rights, and Stand Against DV & Gun Violence
321ACTION: Paycheck Fairness, Congress + NRA, and Sexual Assaults on Female Farm Workers
Advocacy Alert: JWI Applauds President Biden for the Executive Order Implementing Bipartisan Military Justice Reforms
321ACTION: ERA, Paycheck Fairness, and Safeguarding Children from Guns
321ACTION: Age limits on gun sales; service members' repro rights; ERA in the Constitution
321ACTION: Local gun dealers, hate crimes, and abortion providers' personal risk
321ACTION: Child tax credit, illegal guns, and the right to contraception.
321ACTION: Gun violence prevention and contraceptive access
Statement re: Biden Administration’s Executive Order on Contraception Access
321ACTION: LGBTQI persecution in Uganda; immigrant abuse survivors; elder abuse awareness