321ACTION: Quick action is needed on VAWA to provide crucial support to survivors of gender-based violence
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Follow JWI this month for more information and resources on the intersection of domestic violence and economic security.
Exciting news! The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) will be introduced in the Senate in October. This critical legislation is the federal government’s main response to gender-based violence. The Reauthorization Act of 2021 will include targeted updates to protect survivors, with a focus on communities of color, tribes, and LGBTQ+ survivors to ensure they have access to vital services and to prevent future violence.
Show your support for a strong VAWA by attending tomorrow’s (10/5) Senate Hearing at 10:00 a.m. ET. Follow JWI on Twitter during the hearing for live updates.
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Financial abuse can have long-term impacts on the economic security of survivors of domestic violence, from ruined credit to scattered employment histories; COVID exacerbated these impacts.
Join JWI and the Interfaith Coalition for an interactive panel discussion on October 13th. Panelists will discuss how the pandemic exposed gaps in domestic violence services and how they can be improved to better support survivors’ safety and economic security.
The right to choose is in peril – Roe v. Wade at the federal level is at risk of being overturned, and state law will follow. Abortion is an essential component of healthcare and the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) will protect those rights.
Email your representative and tell them to support WHPA.
Happening at JWI
JWI released the most comprehensive national study on domestic violence and the Jewish community ever undertaken. As the domestic violence field moves toward survivor-centered and community-based responses to violence, the Jewish community can choose to do the same. Check out our full report.