JWI's Young Women's Impact Network in NYC is thrilled to partner with Write For The Job for "Building Your Professional Brand To Advance Your Success."
We invite you to join us virtually from anywhere in the country for a dynamic, engaging, and interactive workshop to give you the tools to establish your brand and articulate your value throughout your resume, Linkedin profile, and cover letter. We'll meet virtually over Zoom at 6:30-8:00 p.m. ET. We’ll email you the Zoom link prior to the event.
Plus, New Yorkers will get a new Linkedin headshot from our professional photographer, Michael Vincent Parks! Headshots will be taken on Sunday, 1/30 between 11 am-1 pm in Central Park (Rain date: Sunday, 2/6)
Whether you're actively looking for a new gig or just wanting to put your best foot forward, you'll leave with tangible action items to sharpen your professional brand...no matter your industry.
Sarah has helped clients in a myriad of industries to land jobs that make them happy. Clients have worked in:
· Advertising
· Finance
· Nonprofit/Fundraising
· Public Relations
· Freelancing
· Engineering
· Law
· Healthcare
· Politics
· Real Estate
To get a head start, check out www.writeforthejob.net or follow WFTJ on Facebook and Linkedin.
For more than a decade, Sarah Sax has used the power of words to articulately communicate stories in journalism and fundraising. She transfers her storytelling and writing talent to revamp professional materials for her clients to prove why they are right for the job. Sarah writes résumés, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles to reflect each client's authenticity, drive, and skills. She is energized and dedicated to guiding clients in effectively presenting themselves for a job that will catapult their dreams into fulfilling careers. Learn more: https://www.writeforthejob.net/
Michael Vincent Parks loves seeing people help people. He actually wants to help you, if you don't mind. He graduated from art school and decided to move to New York City to begin living his dream of being a full-time photographer. Photography became his passion the moment he realized how well it has connected people who come from different backgrounds. Empathy and relatability skyrocket once a person has a real, visual aid of a different person's perspective! Simply having images of someone's lifestyle helps the world understand that, at our core, we're all experiencing the same journey toward joy, no matter who we are or where we're from. What he’s getting at is: community is at the foundation of the human condition, and photography helps create that sense of community more than just about anything else in the world. So, You know how you like to use your phone to take pictures of your friends and your family because you care about them. You want a good way to remember them. Well, he wants to help you take that to the next level. He wants to use his experience as a professional photographer to improve those photos that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Visit his website here and check out his Instagram here.