JWI’s Seattle Young Women’s Impact Network (YWIN) connects and supports local Jewish women in their 20s and 30s with empowering programs, leadership experiences, and meaningful opportunities to create a lasting impact on the world around them.

JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability.

For questions, email jwiywin@jwi.org.

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Seattle YWIN Ambassador

Elizabeth Slotnick

Elizabeth grew up in Richmond, Va. and attended the University of Virginia, where she graduated in 2016. Since then, Elizabeth began her technology sales career and is now a field sales regional manager. She got involved with JWI YWIN while living in San Francisco and wanted to bring it to Seattle. Also, she helped co-chair the YWIN virtual book clubs. In her spare time, Elizabeth enjoys reading, including running a bookstagram account, and riding her Peloton.


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