Torrey Barrett
Employer: Pinterest
Favorite Jewish food: Normally it’s Hamentaschen, but she recently learned how to bake Challah and can’t stop making it! Right now, she loves making everything bagel and chocolate chip flavored Challah.

Rachel Barton
Employer: Jewish Federation
Best book she’s read recently: Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown - helpful in navigating how to be her true self while also striving for belonging in a community - a tricky balance!

Ely Benhamo
Employer: AIPAC
Favorite Jewish holiday: Passover! Ely loves when her family and friends are reunited at the Seder table to eat, sing, and tell stories together that remind them of the importance of community, the plight of Jewish people, and to not take things for granted.

Stacy Blumenreich
Employer: George P. Johnson
Best career advice she’s ever received: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” – Steve Jobs: trust the bigger picture to enjoy each step in your career.

Leah Chakoff
Employer: San Francisco Hillel
Best career advice she’s received: Be yourself, work hard, and be kind to others and you will make the biggest difference in the world.

Aya Kantorovich
Employer: Pantera Capital
Why she’s excited about having the Young Women's Leadership Network in SF: Because of the incredible women it draws, the community it’ll build, the support system, and the home in SF that everyone will have to look forward to!

Jenna Kress
Employer: Community Works West
Her favorite JWI initiative: Ensuring the safety of women, girls, and families because when one of us is hurting, we’re all hurting. Womxn have the power to strengthen our communities, but if not all feel safe and protected, we can’t reach our full potential.

Rachael Greenberg
Employer: KPMG
The best book she’s read recently: Way of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman - the story of one’s search for unreasonable happiness and discovering that possibility through meditation, mindfulness, compassion, and acceptance!

Sofia Rattes
Employer: PwC
Her favorite boss lady: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Her secret budgeting trick: buy groceries and cook at home!

Danielle Klebanov
Employer: Hired
Something you might not know about her: She speaks four languages and hopes to one day use the foreign languages in a professional manner!

Melanie Levy-Hara
Employer: Facebook
Why she’s excited about having the Young Women’s Leadership Network in the Bay Area: To meet the diverse group of young women in the Bay Area and understand their perspectives on fostering community!

Ali Tradonsky
Employer: Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Something you might not know about her: She knows how to fly planes!