JWI’s 2022 International Conference on Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community has passed.
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JWI’s 5th International Conference on Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community
Responding to the Moment: Cultivating Resilience, Healing, Innovation, and Culture Change
Virtual Conference: October 24/25/26, 2022
12:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET / 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PT on Zoom
This conference was hosted by JWI’s National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Jewish Community, the hub for trauma-informed training, education, resources, peer support, research, policy development, and community collaboration. The National Center was established as a result of our 2021 “Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community: A Needs Assessment” that highlighted how Jewish communities are struggling to address long-term needs of survivors.
Participants took part in interactive sessions, built connections, and together moved the needle forward to support Jewish survivors and change the culture in the Jewish community.

Conference Agenda
Oct 24th-26th on Zoom
Featuring interactive, Jewish survivor centered sessions on gun violence prevention, reproductive coercion, get abuse, child custody, faith support systems, economic security, and more.
Keynote Speaker: Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky is founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute, author of Trauma Stewardship and The Age of Overwhelm, and host of Future Tripping podcast.
Speakers announced as confirmed
“There is a real opportunity for the Jewish community to step up and take a lead in supporting survivors and creating a community where survivors and their children feel a sense of belonging.”
Monday, October 24th
12:00 to 12:15 p.m. Welcome
Meredith Jacobs, JWI CEO
12:15 to 1:00 p.m. Keynote, Transforming Trauma: How to Do This Work and Sustain
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, Founder and Director, The Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others
This keynote will offer practical tools to help us sustain, individually and collectively, in the face of trauma, secondary trauma and overwhelm. Whether this is related to our work, our personal lives, the pandemic, or systematic oppression, we will discuss what the consequences are as well as strategies for sustaining ourselves and each other.
1:00 to 1:15 p.m. Wellness Offering
Lenna Jawdat, Porchlight Wellness yoga teacher, psychotherapist, Reiki master, and survivor
1:15 to 2:00 p.m. Skill Building
Participants select from one of the following workshops:
Befriending Our Nervous System
Dr. Linda Chamberlain, Founder, Alaska Family Violence Prevention Project
This workshop will blend recent developments in polyvagal science and practical applications to promote self-regulation, social connection, and healing. Portable practices for daily living are interspersed throughout the workshop to experience first-hand how breath, sound, gentle movement, and touch can reset the nervous system and promote healing and well-being.
Demonstrating Impact & Writing Survivor Testimonials
Moderator: Mirele Goldsmith, Independent Program Evaluator
Speakers: Rachel Faulkner, Director of Community Investments, Safety Respect Equity Network; Cynthia Roberts, Evaluator, The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence; and Julie Youdovin, Outreach & Program Coordinator, Journey to Safety Jewish Family & Children's Service of Greater Boston
Funders and supporters want to know the impact of their contributions but it can be challenging to gather and evaluate critical data, highlight community needs, and write survivor testimonials while protecting confidentiality. This session explores best practices for writing compelling narratives, evaluating programs, and sharing survivor testimonials.
2:00 to 2:15 p.m. Networking/Break
2:15 to 3:00 p.m. Has #MeToo Been a Game Changer? Leveraging Communal Awareness for Culture Change
Speakers: Naomi Tucker, Founder and Executive Director, Shalom Bayit; Meredith Jacobs, JWI CEO
This interactive session offers space for collective visioning on how domestic violence prevention programs have responded to #MeToo, where we have pivoted or innovated, and how we are leveraging new communal awareness of gender-based violence. How has a public eye on sexual harassment impacted the DV movement? Have new doors been opened? What challenges and opportunities do we face?
Tuesday, October 25th
12:00 to 12:15 p.m. Welcome
Deborah Rosenbloom, Chief Program Officer, Jewish Women International
12:15 to 1:00 p.m. Responding to Get Abuse
Moderator: Deborah Rosenbloom, JWI’s Chief Program Officer, Jewish Women International
Panelists include: Naomi Dickson, Chief Executive, Jewish Women's Aid (London, England); Kylie Eisman-Lifshitz, Chairwoman, Mavoi Satum (Israel); Esther Macner, Founder and President, Get Jewish Divorce Justice (California, USA); Keshet Starr, CEO, Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, ORA (USA)
This international panel will share strategies, challenges, and breakthroughs to address get abuse.
“Get denial is about power and control. Batterers go for the thing that will get them the most power. And by refusing to give a get, he controls her future.”
1:00 to 1:15 p.m. Wellness Offering
Lenna Jawdat, Porchlight Wellness yoga teacher, psychotherapist, Reiki master, and survivor
1:15 to 2:15 p.m. Supporting Survivors & their Children: Child Custody and Communal Responsibility
Moderator: Dr. Shana Frydman, Executive Director, Shalom Task Force
Panelists include: Monte Jewell, Managing Attorney, Project DVORA of Jewish Family Service (Seattle, USA); Karen Lewis, Director of Client Services, Jewish Women's Aid (London, England); Fernanda Tarica, Executive Director, Shalom Bait, Civil Association for the Prevention and Assistance of Family Violence (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
All too often, survivors lose custody of their children. This panel will explore challenges around child custody and social and communal responses to support survivors and their children.
2:15 to 2:25 p.m. Break
2:25 to 3:00 p.m. Innovation Showcase
A showcase of innovative services, programs, and best practices to help domestic violence survivors in the Jewish community. This is a special opportunity to learn from your peers and connect with new partners.
Members of The National Collaborative of Jewish Domestic Violence Programs are invited to sign up for the Innovation Showcase here.
Wednesday, October 26th
12:00 to 12:15 p.m. Welcome
Ariella Neckritz, Director of Violence Prevention and Training, Jewish Women International
12:15 to 1:00 p.m. National Conversations: Implications to the Domestic Violence Field (Abortion Rights & Gun Violence Prevention)
Participants select from one of these two breakout sessions.
Abortion Access, Reproductive Coercion, and Domestic Violence
Steph Black, Activist and Writer
In the wake of the recent Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision, abortion access has been severely restricted in many parts of the country. As a result, advocates for survivors of intimate partner violence are worried about the effect the loss of sexual and reproductive health care will have. Participants in this session will learn the far-reaching consequences of Dobbs v. Jackson, learn how survivors of reproductive coercion may face new obstacles, and learn how to incorporate abortion access advocacy into their work.
Gun Violence and Domestic Violence
Dorian Karp, Advocacy and Policy Director, Jewish Women International; Rabbi Tamar Manasseh, Founder/President, Mothers Against Senseless Killings (MASK)
There is an inextricable link between gun violence and domestic violence. In this interactive session we explore these intersections, discuss legislative solutions, and hear about ways violence interrupters are creating change to prevent gun violence across our country.
1:00 to 1:15 p.m. Wellness Offering
Lenna Jawdat, Porchlight Wellness yoga teacher, psychotherapist, Reiki master, and survivor
1:15 to 2:00 p.m. Building Economic Security for Jewish Survivors
Moderator: Sarah Welch, Vice President of Workforce Development Services, The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
Panelists: Dorian Karp, Advocacy and Policy Director, Jewish Women International; Amanda Katz, Executive Director, The Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (JCADA) Sierra Schnitzer, Senior Director of Survivor Supports and Initiatives, Jewish Women International; Amy Slater-Ovadia, Vice President, Women’s Spirit (Israel)
This panel discusses different strategies to increase the economic security of survivors of domestic violence such as: cash grants, job training, job readiness programming, financial literacy workshops, and legislative remedies to build survivors’ financial security.
“Without a job, survivors are stuck in poverty, often leaving them to go back to their abusers because it’s just easier.”
2:00 to 2:20 p.m. Building Robust Faith Support Systems for Jewish Survivors
Speakers: Rabbi Gershon Albert, Beth Jacob Congregation (California); Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum, Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation (New Hampshire), Member of JWI’s Clergy Task Force to end Domestic Abuse in the Jewish Community
This conversation explores the role rabbis and clergy play in creating a survivor centered Jewish community and offers tips for advocates on working together with clergy to support survivors and their families.
2:20 to 3:00 p.m. Envisioning Next Steps, Reflection Space, & Closing
Dr. Guila Benchimol, Senior Advisor of Research & Learning, Safety Respect Equity Network; Naomi Tucker, Founder and Executive Director, Shalom Bayit
“It would be so wonderful to hear, ‘We are your community, we want to be a part of the journey that helps you not just with your basic needs, but really trying to change the cycle of abuse. ”
Note: All conference sessions will be recorded. If you are unable to attend a session live, you will receive access to the recording following the conference.
Conference Speakers
stay tuned for updates!

For questions, email Deborah Rosenbloom.
*If the cost to attend this conference is a barrier to you, please reach out to Ariella Neckritz at aneckritz@jwi.org and we will make every effort to meet your financial needs. Scholarships are available.
This conference is intended for professional and volunteer staff of programs and organizations doing prevention and response work serving Jewish domestic violence survivors and the Jewish community. We also welcome clergy, community advocates, philanthropists, and Jewish communal professionals to attend.
JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability
This conference is made possible by the generous support of The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies.