321ACTION: January 6, 2025
Welcome to 2025. The 119th Congress has formally convened and the newly elected members have been sworn in. Republicans now control both chambers of Congress and will soon control the White House, with a historically slim margin of four seats in the House of Representatives. Senators are now having one-on-one meetings with Trump Administration nominees; committee confirmation activities are expected to begin next week.
Ready to make a difference?
Here are three ways to get started:
3. Learn about budget reconciliation
Over the next three months, Congress is expected to use a process called budget reconciliation to make substantial changes to the federal tax code, cutting taxes for corporations and very wealthy people and paying for those tax cuts by cutting critical safety net programs such as Medicaid and food stamps. Learn more about the budget reconciliation process here.
2. Protect the social safety net
Our partners at the Coalition on Human Needs will be hosting a free webinar, Our Path Forward: Practical ways to protect people from harm despite threats from the new Administration and Congress, on January 7 from 2 - 3:15 Eastern Time.
1. Learn about gun violence prevention
As power shifts at both the federal and state levels, gun violence prevention advocates are preparing to defend existing gun laws in legislatures and courts around the country and expand gun violence prevention measures at the state level.
JWI's Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable cohosted an event with the DC Area Interfaith Gun Violence Prevention Network, Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, and Nuns Against Gun Violence, The Election of 2024: Threats and Opportunities for Gun Violence Prevention.
+ In case you missed it...
JWI's Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable has compiled a list of educational resources following the webinar, which can be found here.